In Tamilnadu, many B Pharm colleges are available. There are approximately 65 colleges offering B Pharm course in Tamilnadu..
B Pharm colleges list PDF file link in belowπClick here
Fees structure of B Pharmacy colleges are differ to every college.. This difference in fees structure is depends upon the education quality , placements, staffs quality, college infrastructure, etc..
Due this reason fees structure are differ.
Tuition fees:
Averagely one lakh per year can be expected for B Pharm course for tuition fees in Tamilnadu .
Hostel fees:
There are many types of hostel available and this types of hostels are depends upon college. Averagely 60 - 80 thousands per year can be expected in Tamilnadu..
If you study in hostel , totally 1 to 1.5 lakh fees can be expected for B Pharm course in Tamil Nadu.