There are two types of teeth in our human mouth
1. Milk teeth ( deciduous teeth)
2. Permanent teeth
At birth, 20 milk teeth are present. 10 on maxilla and mandible. And this milk teeth is replaced by permanent teeth at the 6 the year of age ..
Anatomy of tooth:
Our teeth is embedded in the alveoli or sockets of the alveolar ridges of the mandible and maxilla.
Our teeth have following parts.
There are three portions in our teeth.
1. Crown - parts emerge from gum
2. Root - part embedded in the bone( Maxilla and Mandible)
3. Neck - Region where crown emerge from gum
Parts of teeth:
1. Enamel
2. Dentin
3. Pulp cavity
4. Neck
5. Cement
6. Blood vessels and nerve
Pulp cavity:
The centre portion of the tooth containing blood vessels, lymph vessels,nerves.
It is surrounded by a hard -ivory like substance called Dentine
The hard substance which surrounds the pulp cavity.
Outside the dentine of the crown there is a thin layer of very hard substance.
The root of tooth is covered by a bone like substance called cement, which fixes the tooth in it's socket.
Blood vessels and nerves are passes to the tooth through a small foramen at the Apex of each root..
Physiology of tooth:
2. Premolar and molar teeth have broad and flat surfaces , used for grinding or chewing food.